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Fast Times: Know where you are going

"Taking the time to fully understand your destination lets you identify the correct path to take to get there, and to see that the route which initially appears to be the right one might actually be the wrong one.   When Aker BP realized it needed to liberate its...

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Too much management research is clear as mud

A new book argues that scientific management isn’t scientific enough   Beware the guru with a theory that explains how companies behave or the perfect recipe for how firms succeed. Beware, too, the lengthy academic studies to similar effect. That is the stark...

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The mindsets and practices of excellent CEOs

The CEO’s job is as difficult as it is important. Here is a guide to how the best CEOs think and act. A company has only one peerless role: chief executive officer. It’s the most powerful and sought- after title in business, more exciting, rewarding, and influential...

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The drumbeat of digital: How winning teams play

Pace and power go hand in hand for digital leaders, which typically run four times faster and pull critical strategic levers two times harder than other companies do. Most executives we know have a powerful, intuitive feel for the rhythm of their businesses. They know...

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